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Aplikasi Modif Handler

Ovi Browser Handler
The latest Ovi browser beta has a new look, support 85 languages, a better mobile experience and more local content. Web browsing is fast and easy with patented internet compression technology that saves you money on data charges.

RockeTalk Handler
Join RockeTalk world’s most exciting mobile community & Enjoy free Voice, video Photo chat. Make new friends, join fun communities, share messages, Send free MMS & Sms or just win lot of prizes playing games & contests. Also login to MSN, Yahoo, Gtalk

Gedda Headz Handler
FREE! NEW v1.9 All Games are open to all new users! Download and Battle now. Engage across the world. Get new gaming friends instantly. The #1 for multiplayer gaming, chat, LVL & winning Respect-Points.

Mobile GMaps Handler
Mobile GMaps displays maps from various sources like Yahoo! Maps, Windows Live Local, and Open Street Map on your phone!

GoText Handler
GOTEXT A free and open source Java software for ALL mobile phones(MIDP 1.0) to send free SMS,MMS and email through free sms websites,paying only little for mobile connection(1-2 cents)..this applies to WORLDWIDE numbers! Also multilingual! Start save today!

Mozat Handler
MOZAT 6 brings together the most interesting Facebook and Twitter updates. You can broadcast and receive updates from your friends, enjoy a friendly game and share files even when you're on the go. Best of all, MOZAT 6 is free. Download it now!

MXit Handler
MXit is a FREE mobile instant messenger and social network for your phone & computer. Chat to millions of MXit users anywhere in the world for FREE. Shop, play, chat, date and so much more, all in one place.

Trutap Handler
Trutap Unlimited Free chat with your GoogleTalk, MSN, Yahoo!, Facebook, ICQ , AIM, Gadu Gadu and Jabber buddies. Plus group text and picture message.

aED-DLoader Handler

Avacs Handler
AVACS Live Chat - free dating application for phones and computers with photos, animated smiles, avatars, rooms, personal messages, contact

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